Training Plan

This is our overall training plan and will be updated as the season progresses. Each training session will include training in godliness and in physical fitness. 

Feedback welcomed.

Training in Godliness (tentative plan)

- 1 Timothy 4:8 (theme verse)
- Galatians 5:22-23 (cultivating the fruit of the Spirit)
- Psalm 19 (delighting in God's creation and His Word)

Sharing and prayer
- What have you been learning?
- How can we pray for you?

General (Physical) Training Plan

Phase 1: Base Fitness
- Base endurance (running)
- Base strength (squats, push-ups, burpees) 

Phase 2: Improving Work Capacity
- Intervals, speed work, hills, stairs
- Circuits / met-con (incl. body weight work)

Phase 3: Tough Mudder Training
- Long runs (run/walk etc) for > 1 hr (including fueling / hydration)
- practice obstacles where possible (e.g. monkey bars) ... no (safe) way to practice for electroshock therapy :Ptongue
- Tough Mudder Boot Camp (link)

Each phase will continue to build on the previous phase. And they are not mutually exclusive. This will just be the main focus.

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