Thursday, January 10, 2013

Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013

Welcome back, friends! We kick off the new year with a light jog, quick workout, and a taste of 1 Timothy. Come join us as we strive to bring our bodies and spirits under the rule of Christ.

Please bring your Bible, water, and weather-appropriate clothing

Date: Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013
Time: 9:30 a.m.-11 a.m.*
Location: HBCYR Parking Lot

*We are gradually extending our workout / devotion times so that we can put in the required training for Tough Mudder and to give more time to dig deeper in God's Word together, the longest time being 2 hours (workout + devotion).
Here's what we have lined up for this Saturday:
Opening prayer / Warm-up


Run 1 lap around Markville Mall (in groups of 2-3)
*once you arrive at the church....
...Option A: turn back and run the reverse route until you find the last group and run in together.
...Option B: do burpees :p

- then -

For time (10 min time cap):
100 squats
4 burpees every minute on the minute (starting with burpees)

Cool down: Plank hold (2 mins)


Introduction to 1 Timothy (1 Timothy 1:1-2)

Workout Notes:

1. Squat form will be taught / shown. Emphasis will be on form first before speed. Weights will be available (45# vest, 15# / 35# / 75# KB's, and any other weight ppl bring).
2. Planks: Do not sag / arch your back as this places undue stress on your lower back. If anything, get into a push-up position or raise your hips up to take a quick break.

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